Thursday, November 17, 2016

Get Born Again-Alice in Chains with lyrics

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Get Born Again-Alice in Chains with lyrics
Video Info :

Release : 2011-03-01 03:56:38
View Videos : 152249
Video Duration : 1298951798
Video Like : 780
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Get Born Again-Alice in Chains with lyrics Free Download
Get Born Again-Alice in Chains with lyrics Mp3 Original

Sad suffering
I knew him when
Fairwell thee friend of mine

Try not to think
I merely blink
Hope to wish away the lies...


Can you protect
Me when I'm wrecked
I'll pretend you're still alive

I choose the day
One damp and gray
Thick fog to hide our smiles...

Clear all your sins
Get born again
Just repeat a couple lies

Lies... yeah

Can you protect
Me when I'm wrecked
I'll pretend you're still alive

I choose the day
One deepen grave,
Thick fog to hide our smiles...

(musical brake)

Sad suffering.....
Get born again.... (X5 and fade)

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