Saturday, November 19, 2016

Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele "Hello" Parody (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

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Free Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele "Hello" Parody (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Download Mp3

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Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele
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Release : 2016-01-21 03:05:52
View Videos : 2770799
Video Duration : 1453345552
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Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele "Hello" Parody (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Free Download
Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele "Hello" Parody (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Mp3 Original

Mary Morris - “Snow” an Adele "Hello" Parody (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - I'm a third grade teacher in Strawberry Plains, TN!
MUSIC: Prosound Karaoke - Sing "Hello" originally performed by Adele


Snow, It’s me
I know we just got out for Christmas
But I’m ready for some more time
To myself, you see
So if you could come or day or two
Or maybe 23

Oh Snow, Can you hear me
I’m inside my classroom
Dreaming how it used to be

When we were younger, and free
I’ve forgotten how the snow felt as it crunched beneath my feet

We need a snow day, tomorrow
Or at least a good delay

If it’s got to be so cold
The least that it could do is snow
If I have to keep my students inside
One more time, for recess, I’m gonna lose my mind

I love it when I get the call
That I don’t have to work at all
I can stay in bed
Watch Netflix all day
I can even spend it in my PJs
If I want

Snow, Where are you? (Back in class room)
It’s so typical of me to ask
If you can get a move on
With the weather, you see
The kids are getting antsy
And it’s rubbing off on me

It’s no secret
that the both of us
Are running out of time

If it’s got to be so cold
The least that it could do is snow
If I have to keep my students inside
One more time, for recess, I’m gonna lose my mind

I love it when I get the call
That I don’t have to work at all
I can stay in bed
Watch Netflix all day
I can even spend it in my PJs
If I want…

Take it from the teacher’s side
You won’t hear me apologize
But checking my cell phone
Every chance that I get
I get ready, slowly
Cause I’m holding my breath

There is no sound that’s so sweet
As hearing salt trucks on the street
I can sleep in all day
Until I wake up
We need not lots of snow days
But no so much that we have to make them up


Photography by:
Hair & Makeup by:

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