Friday, January 13, 2017

Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know AlexiMuzic & Joey Joey Showtime Cover

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Free Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know AlexiMuzic & Joey Joey Showtime Cover Download Mp3

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Alanis Morrisette  - You Oughta Know AlexiMuzic & Joey Joey Showtime Cover
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Release : 2013-06-28 15:04:11
View Videos : 16753
Video Duration : 1372431851
Video Like : 611
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Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know AlexiMuzic & Joey Joey Showtime Cover Free Download
Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know AlexiMuzic & Joey Joey Showtime Cover Mp3 Original

AlexiMuzic brings "You Oughta Know," an angst-filled song about none other than the "Full House" funny guy, Dave Coulier. Apparently this Joey Gladstone song is about Alanis Morrisette trying to be happy for Dave, but not trying all that hard.

For "You Oughta Know" Alexi Music brings in, Joe Cunnane, an extraordinary talent on guitar and has allowed me to make music with him. I don't know if this live recording does justice to smooth arrangement Joey Joey Showtime puts on this angsty tune. But not to worry, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future!

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