Wednesday, January 4, 2017

God Bless the USA - I'm Proud to be an American~ Lee Greenwood Lyrics

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Free God Bless the USA - I'm Proud to be an American~ Lee Greenwood Lyrics Download Mp3

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God Bless the USA - I'm Proud to be an American~ Lee Greenwood Lyrics
Video Info :

Release : 2012-03-30 16:13:54
View Videos : 2314849
Video Duration : 1333124034
Video Like : 18348
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God Bless the USA - I'm Proud to be an American~ Lee Greenwood Lyrics Free Download
God Bless the USA - I'm Proud to be an American~ Lee Greenwood Lyrics Mp3 Original

Thanks to all the brave service men and women. I hope everyone is proud to be an American. I know I am.
As much as I believe in freedom of speech this is still my channel and I dont appreciate the rude and obnoxious comments I have been reading lately. This song is dedicated to the soldiers. Please DO NOT make this into an argumentative song, whether you come from the country or believe in the country's morals or laws RESPECT THE SONG! Im sick of being tolerant of people who shouldnt be listening to the song in the first place.

That is all. Thank you to all the people who have nicely supported this video whether or not you believe the US is doing something good or bad. Thanks again!

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