Friday, December 9, 2016

GROOVE UP - You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette - live band cover

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Free GROOVE UP - You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette - live band cover Download Mp3

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GROOVE UP - You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette - live band cover
Video Info :

Release : 2011-06-16 15:14:13
View Videos : 2965
Video Duration : 1308237253
Video Like : 11
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Download MP3 : check download link bellow or above

GROOVE UP - You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette - live band cover Free Download
GROOVE UP - You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette - live band cover Mp3 Original

Our singer has NEW YouTube Channel. Check it out!

GROOVE UP band Live @ Club Route 66
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette cover
Novi Sad, Serbia 21.5.2011.


Sanja Naumov - vocals
Dejan Ognjanovac - guitar
David Klemm - keyboard
Igor Konecky - bass guitar
Vlastimir Stojilkovic - drums

Our mission is to mash up our talents, beauty, craziness and positive energy and make something that will take over MTV and then the whole world :D
Till then, we are the cover band that puts smiles on peoples faces, dancing shoes on their feet and makes them go crazy all night long while listening to our live music show :)

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