Sunday, December 4, 2016

Iron Maiden-1.Moonchild(Donington 1988)

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Iron Maiden-1.Moonchild(Donington 1988)
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Release : 2008-09-20 16:40:22
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Iron Maiden-1.Moonchild(Donington 1988) Free Download
Iron Maiden-1.Moonchild(Donington 1988) Mp3 Original

Iron Maiden - Monsters of Rock Festival, Donington Park, England, Aug. 20, 1988, during the ''Seventh Tour Of A Seventh Tour'' 1988.

Moonchild(Smith, Dickinson)

Bruce Dickinson:Vocals
Steve Harris:Bass
Dave Murray:Guitar
Adrian Smith:Guitar
Nicko McBrain:Drums


Seven deadly sins seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell and your trip begins
Seven downward slopes seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires seven your desires...

I am he the bornless one the fallen angel watching you
Babylon, the scarlet whore, I'll infiltrate your gratitude
Don't you dare to save your son kill him now and save the young ones
Be the mother of a birth strangled babe, be the devils own Lucifer's my name

Moonchild hear the mandrake scream
Moonchild open the seventh seal

I count the heads of those unborn the accursed ones I'll find them all
If you die by your own hand as a suicide you shall be damned
And if you try to save your soul I will torment you you shall not grow old
With every second and passing breath you'll be so alone your soul will bleed to death

Moonchild hear the mandrake scream
Moonchild open the seventh seal
Moonchild you'll be mine soon child
Moonchild take my hand tonight

The twins they are exhausted, seven is this night
Gemini is rising as the red lips kiss to bite
Seven angels seven demons battle for his soul
When Gabriel lies sleeping, this child was born to die

One more dies and one more lives, one baby cries one mother grieves
For all the sins you will commit you'll beg forgiveness and none I'll give
A web of fear shall be your coat to clothe you in the night
A lucky escape for you young man but I'll see you damned in endless night


''Moonchild' is a magically inspired song, based on the Liber Samekh ritual by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). The ritual is described as being a ritual employed by the Beast (Crowley) for the attainment of knowledge and conversation of his holy Guardian. Some of 'Moonchild''s lyrics are extremely similar to those in the ritual.

What does this introductory song tell us about the story of the Seventh Son? The "Bornless One" is obviously the Devil, known as the "Fallen Angel", or, as stated in the song, Lucifer. Quite interestingly, the name Lucifer means "Light-Bringer", and is the Christian equivalent of the Ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, the unfortunate Titan who made the mistake to give fire to the humans, just like Lucifer gave them knowledge. Both caracters were severely punished by their respective god who preferred to preside over a species of sheep-like hairless apes instead of the independent free-thinkers they had become thanks to Lucifer/Prometheus. (Many humans are still at the level of the herded woolly creatures, but there is no relevance in discussing this here.)

Aleister Crowley - Moonchild Although he was a very prolific writer, Aleister Crowley only wrote very few novels. Moonchild (written in 1917 and published in 1929) is however one of them, and probably his most famous. The story is of course about the endless battle between the forces of Light and those of Darkness. A young girl is drawn into a conflict between two men and has to choose between them. In this book, Crowley gives a detailed description of the methods and theories of so-called modern Magickal practices, implying that Magick is a scientific reality and that it works.
Quite interestingly, Crowley's publisher was the Mandrake Press, based in London. The chorus of the song mentions that we can "hear the Mandrake scream." In traditions of old, the mandrake (Mandragora officinalis) has always been considered a plant with special powers. This superstition is based on the forked shape of the root which roughly resembles a human body. It was believed to grow under gallows, the ground having supposedly been seeded by the semen of hanged men (it is apparently a physiological fact that the snapping of the neck causes ejaculation).

Many other religious or mythological references can be found in the song. The mother of the Seventh Son is obviously worried that she may give birth to some sort of monster, but Lucifer reminds her of the damnation that, according to the Christian myth, awaits those who commit suicide. Could it also be that the Fallen Angel may be the father of this child? He was after all also a seventh son himself and one of God's favourites before he got too greedy and was expelled from Heaven.''

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