Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Rush - Panacea

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Free Rush - Panacea Download Mp3

This Video Rush - Panacea Rating : 4.94 Can Download via formats webm, Mp4 High, Mp4 Low, Avi, 3gp High, 3gp Low, Mp3 With Software Video Download, and You can Download MP3 High Quality via button download in above / bellow, This Mp3 / Music Rush - Panacea support Your Mobile or PC browser.

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Rush - Panacea
Video Info :

Release : 2009-11-16 20:17:24
View Videos : 26337
Video Duration : 1258402644
Video Like : 157
Source Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c364YFkv93Q
Download MP3 : check download link bellow or above

Rush - Panacea Free Download
Rush - Panacea Mp3 Original

The whiteness of confusion
Is unfolding from my mind
I stare around in wonder
Have I left my life behind?
I catch the scent of ambergris
And turn my head, surprised
My gaze is caught and held and I
Am helpless...mesmerized
Panacea, liquid grace
Oh let me touch your fragile face
Enchantment falls around me
And I know I cannot leave
Here's a meaning for my life
A shelter from the storm
Pacify my troubles with
Her body, soft and warm
Naked in our unity
A smile for every tear
Gentle hands that promise me
Comfort through the years
Yet I know I must be gone
Before the light of dawn
Panacea, passion pure
I can't resist your gentle lure
My heart will lie beside you
And my wandering body grieves

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